Thursday, August 27, 2015

Keep Calm and Shrink Your Ego

Getting Angry Solves Nothing

I'm sure you've all been around that one guy who always likes to pick fights with everyone that looks at him wrong.  He's big, dumb, and usually has a low center of gravity.  There's a reason why he picks fights to prove something, it's because that's all he's got.  I know I've mentioned the curse of the alpha-male before and I'll say it again, you don't want to be a carrier of this disease. 

If you want to keep healthy relationships with family, friends, and loved ones you have to keep your cool.  When we go on the attack either verbally or physically it's because we sense we are being attacked first.  This is a defense mechanism that each member of the male species is equipped with.  Just for a few minutes while you read this, forget about that side of you.  

There is never a good time to get angry.  Never a good time to lash out at someone.  This exposes the boy inside that should have been left behind when you grew up.  This is your ego.  Keep it small, and buried deep within your mind.  Put it in the back of your head and forget about it.  Fighting someone or getting into a verbal argument solves nothing.  It only proves that you are not a man, you're just a little punk.  Yea sure for a few minutes you're going to feel really good because you hit that guy in the face or because you finally told that person off.  But once that brief high goes away, you're still left being the jerk.

Our ego likes to take advantage of our emotions.  When you get caught up on something a girl said, or pissed off because of a rumor going around, just let it go.  NOTHING is worth giving your ego the advantage and getting all upset.  A gentleman knows which battles to fight and which ones just aren't worth it.  A gentleman knows that using your words and choosing your tone and volume carefully, is the best way to solve any dispute.  Always speak respectfully even if you are not being treated the same.  It shows you're a better person. 

We feed our ego when we get into the habit of picking to many fights.  The majority of the drama you come in contact with is so small it can fit in one ear and go out the other.  That's how it should always be.  Who cares what other people say or think.  You are not that guy who goes around trying to prove he's always right.  You are not that guy who goes around looking for drama.  

As I stated before, the alpha males in this world along with all the other typical ass holes are put into a category the minute they show their true colors.  To any girl, a gentleman is immediately placed on a pedestal.  We are not that former self which throws a tantrum every time things go wrong.  Keep your ego in check and act above the rest.

"There is nothing noble about being superior to your fellow man.  True nobility is being superior to your former self."
-Ernest Hemingway