Monday, December 28, 2015

Keeping The Faith

Believe In Something

I hope everyone is having a pleasant holiday season.  With the new year approaching I'm sure some of you have your new year's resolutions all picked out.  With the passing celebrations of both Hanukkah and Christmas, I got to thinking about what it all meant.  These are both holidays in two varying religions where we celebrate both triumph and creation.  

I am Jewish.  Being Jewish defines who I am as a person, and how I was raised.  Nothing makes me more proud.  I know millions of people feel this way towards their chosen religion and I want to offer insight to an even bigger picture.  

Believing in something, a G-D, an idea, a calling, defines who you are.  I strongly believe every religion teaches you how not to be an ass hole.  This is through the power of stories, morals, and traditions.  We often look toward a religion for answers as to how to be a better person.  I'm not saying you have to identify with a specific religion to be a good person, but belonging to a group of people is one more thing you and your girlfriend/wife can have in common.  

When you are with someone, you want to be on the same page, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Being able to share those kinds of experiences with each other mean more than you may assume.  I find that being spiritually on the same page as your partner is a very overrated concept.  That is why it is so important.  

Celebrating the same holidays, attending the same gatherings, and having those same morals in common make your times together that much more meaningful.  They also are a link to understanding each other.  Having the same morals, ideas, concepts and beliefs in common with the person you love are essential.  When the time comes down the road, these are the things you will want your kids to learn.  You will want them to grow up knowing why you are the way you are.  

Keeping the faith is about an idea, it's a hunch that there is something greater out there holding all of us together.  I believe it can be an essential way to bring two people together.  It's undervalued, and underrated but has more power than you can imagine.  With this new year approaching I hope you will take these words into consideration and add a few new tools to your game plan when it comes to finding that special someone. 

"Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world, No hope so bright but is the beginning of its own fulfillment."

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