Sunday, June 14, 2015

Nice Guys don't Finish Last

A Nice Guy's Introduction

Hey everyone, my name is Spencer.  I'm a graduate of California State University Northridge with a BA in Communication Studies.  Basically, I have an ability to analyze behaviors and people pretty well.  While at CSUN I was a brother in the fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi.  I grew up surfing and playing soccer in Redondo Beach, CA and now I reside in Northridge, CA.  Trading the beach for the valley has been tough but I've been able to manage.  

The purpose of this blog is to share my own stories, experiences and opinions on the dating world and what it takes to be a Gentleman.  I have made many mistakes.  But I learned from them, and in return, I've figured out that the infamouse saying, "Nice guys finish last", is completely false. 

I'll offer tips and tricks on speech, style, confidence, humor, leadership, relationship skills and character.  I in no way know it all.  I'm always open to questions, comments, and additions to anything I write.  My purpose is to inform, entertain and educate.



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